Ann Rutt


I am an advocate for wholistic education, particularly in STEM where non-technical skills are also critical to success

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My Values

I completed my first values inventory during college at a summer leadership conference. Ever since, I’ve found revisiting this exercise is helpful as I learn more about myself and reflect on how I want to show-up in the world.


Extending kindness to others and ourselves is a daily choice. Every person has value and deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and care. Wellness begins with the individual and honoring your own self and needs.


I want to live in a way where I bring my whole self in all my interactions. I strive for consistency. I know I am acting in line with my values and am who I want to be when I can be open in sharing the choices I’ve made and why.


Connection provides purpose in the human experience and is where I find greater meaning in my work. We live in an interconnected ecosystem where our actions impact others. Healthy connections are the foundation of building supportive communities.


Self-awareness and accepting feedback are key to revision. Making mistakes, learning from them, and iterating is necessary for improvement. It is important to pause and intentionally create spaces that cultivate reflection.


The changes we need most are often complex, difficult, and cannot be accomplished by a single individual. I believe passing the baton is necessary for long-term change. In my work, I always strive to leave things better for the next person who may follow me.


I rely on organization to function and perform at a high level. I believe collaboration and teams are stronger when roles, responsibilities, and expectations are clearly defined. Structure helps organizations efficiently and sustainably work towards one common purpose.