Ann Rutt


I am an advocate for wholistic education, particularly in STEM where non-technical skills are also critical to success

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My Technical Experiences


Summer 2023: Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering from University of California, Berkeley

Fall 2022: Masters in Materials Science & Engineering from University of California, Berkeley

Spring 2016: B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering with an additional major in Biomedical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon Univerisity

Industry & Research

My undergraduate research experiences focused on the synthesis, optimization, and characterization of Li and Na intercalation materials for aqueous batteries. I also had a summer research experience at Imperial College in London where I worked on casting and characterizing block copolymer thin films.

In my time working at Aquion Energy, my projects aimed to extend the cycle life performance of the aqueous hybrid ion batteries manufactured by the company. In addition to the active materials, I studied various components of the battery cell such as electrode additives and current collectors.

In graduate school, I shifted from experimental work to computational materials science. In order to perform high-throughput screenings based on first principle calculations for my research focused on the discovery high-performance magnesium cathodes, I expanded my skills to include data science and software development.

I have also leveraged my experiences with energy storage technologies to perform consulting work. My areas of expertise include Li-ion, aqueous, and multivalent batteries where I am familiar with both experimental and computational approaches.

More details can be found on my resume here.


A. Rutt, D. Sari, Q. Chen, J. Kim, G. Ceder, and K. A. Persson, Novel Structural Motif To Promote Mg-Ion Mobility: Investigating ABO4 Zircons as Magnesium Intercalation Cathodes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 15, 34983 (2023)

A. Rutt, J.X. Shen, M. Horton, J. Kim, J. Lin, and K. A. Persson, Expanding the Material Search Space for Multivalent Cathodes, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 14, 44367 (2022)

Y. Tian, G. Zeng, A. Rutt, T. Shi, H. Kim, J. Wang, J. Koettgen, Y. Sun, B. Ouyang, T. Chen, Z. Lun, Z. Rong, K. A. Persson, G. Ceder, Promises and Challenges of Next-Generation “Beyond Li-Ion” Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Grid Decarbonization, Chem Rev 121, 1623 (2021)

W. Wu, S. Shanbhag, A. Wise, J. Chang, A. Rutt, and J. F. Whitacre, High Performance TiP2O7 Based Intercalation Negative Electrode for Aqueous Lithium-Ion Batteries via a Facile Synthetic Route, J Electrochem Soc 162, A1921 (2015)

W. Wu, S. Shabhag, J. Chang, A. Rutt, and J. F. Whitacre, Relating Electrolyte Concentration to Performance and Stability for NaTi2(PO4)/Na0.44MnO2 Aqueous Sodium-Ion Batteries, J Electrochem Soc 162, A803 (2015)

W. Wu, J. Yan, A. Wise, A. Rutt, and J. F. Whitacre, Using Intimate Carbon to Enhance the Performance of NaTi2(PO4)3 Anode Materials: Carbon Nanotubes vs Graphite, J Electrochem Soc 161, A561 (2014)