Ann Rutt


I am an advocate for wholistic education, particularly in STEM where non-technical skills are also critical to success

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My Personal Interests

My wellness is a big priority for me. We cannot pour from an empty cup! I practice vinyasa yoga regularly and even once took a yoga class with goats for my birthday.

I also enjoy cooking and have been known to pack my food in mason jars (and repurposed sour cream containers). I prefer to make simpler, nourishing recipes that use whole ingredients. Inviting friends over to share a meal, such as making many lasagnas and stuffed peppers for a Palentine’s Day gathering, is also lovely!

I like pursuing an assortment of creative odds and ends in my spare time. Some recent examples include painting, baking and decorating unconventional cookies, and making paper cards!

I also like activities where I can slow down and rejuvenate. I can put my organizing skills to use with a puzzle, have fun playing board games, or learn from others by reading a book or listening to a podcast.